Managerial Courses
Expert managerial training for nonprofits, cooperatives and other organizations
C4L offers various accredited managerial training courses.
A brief history of C4L's training background
In 2001, new accreditation requirements changed the delivery of skills development in South Africa. This changed the strategic direction that C4L was going in.
Then in 2009, The Department of Education was split with Higher Education emerging as a Ministry in its own right. More recently in 2011, government mandated that public colleges are to be the providers-of-choice for TVET-level training. Especially where government is funding the training. This was another game-changer for C4L.
We do offer some accredited training, but it is a small space. However it does keep C4L registered as an accredited training provider and thus in line with its own constitutional goals. Instead of delivering the training ourselves, we signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ehlanzeni TVET College. This reduced our own role in direct skills development (to individuals). But the door remained open for indirect outsourcing.
Proportions changed. C4L began to do more Mentoring projects and Incubation on an "outreach" basis - more of the on-the-job accompaniment than the classroom training. Another shift was to rather emphasize OD and the community development role that are archetypical for NGOs. This led to an intentional decision to downsize our campus facility.
But of course that reduced the baseline income generated from renting out our facility.
The managerial training that C4L offers at present is thus "non-accredited". But there are some niches that accredited training has not reached yet. For example, the management of nonprofits, and running a cooperative, and even Corporate Governance for these two kinds of entities.
So C4L can and does still generate some income from actual training, albeit less so than previously.
For more information on our managerial courses or to inquire about how C4L can help your organization please contact us.