Over the years, C4L has hosted both teams of volunteers and individuals.
Teams tend to come for shorter periods like two weeks. While Individual volunteers have stayed up to three years.
Also, a distinction must also be made between Volunteering (at executive level) and Voluntarism (at governance level). As a nonprofit C4L has a voluntary Board.
Another word that comes to mind is Voluntourism. That is, mixing volunteering with tourism.
Mentoring Business Start-ups
In 2022, unemployment has become C4L’s focus. We are involved in “incubation” of micro-enterprises because the number of jobs in the formal sector is still shrinking. Self-employment is the order of the day.
This is not done by teams and not in a week or two. We are inviting volunteers who can devote at least one month or more, to mentor emerging business start-ups. As a training technique, this is sometimes called coaching, or else accompaniement.
C4L has a self-catering falt available on its campus for the visiting mentor. The assumption is that travel to South Africa and food while in country will be paid by the Volunteer. Certainly some time can also be spent in tourism.
Interested mentors should contact us on <hospitality@C4L.org>.
In the past, “volun-tourism” has included teams of Canadians coming to assist with the psychosocial support camps at C4L, and the volunteers were invaluable in helping to give the campers a rewarding experience.
C4L has also welcomed work-teams composed of retired people wanting to help out. They have done a lot of improvements to the C4L campus itself, and also some off-campus touring. They were able to visit and engage with child-headed households at community level while volunteering.
But the focus in 2022 is moving away from teams, to individual Mentors who can spend at least one month at C4L.
Next Up
Our campus has downsized, so space is at a premium. We will not rule out teams altogether, as there is a residential training facility within walking distance of our remnant campus. But we would prefer in 2022 to welcome individuals or couples who can stay in the C4L flat for at least one month. During this period, they can coach and mentor some business start-ups.
How to sign up
Just send an expression of interest to C4L via
The flat is still available from May to August 2022. From September it is already booked. First come, first served!
Vote of Thanks
The following agencies have placed individual volunteers at C4L in the past:
- German Development Service volunteers
- Peace Corps volunteers
- Mennonite Central Committee volunteers
C4L’s governance or oversight is provided by a “steering committee”. C4L has a coopted or “independent” Board. This groups manages C4L’s strategy and policy.
We need to recruit more Board members, especially women, to improve our Board’s gender-balance. If you are interested in such a role, or know someone who is, please contact <hospitality@C4L.org>
There is one Executive Director, the others are all Non-Executive Directors.
Office Bearers
In 2022, C4L’s Board Chair is Mr. Samson Nkosi. The Treasurer is Mr. Samson Nkosi. The Board Secretary is Mr. Chuck Stephens
Board Meetings
There are two ordinary meetings every year in an annual cycle – in March and September. The second meeting is the AGM.
September 1st is regarded as “Founder’s Day” – a celebration of thanks.
The Zoom and Skype “Gallery”
C4L benefits from the advice and oversight of some “elders” in Canada who have never been to South Africa.
These elders form kind of an “upper house” like a Senate or “House of Lords” that is a second level of governance.
This add-on is intentional, based on a Board Resolution.