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The Sector Education and Training Authorities or SETAs are the link between Training and the Workplace in South Africa. 

Every employee in South Africa pays a 1 percent training levy, into the National Skills Fund.  From that pool, funding flows into about 25 sectors for training. (Plans are afoot to downgrade the SETAs into SETABs, centralizing some functions into the Department of Higher Education,  but not for a few years yet).

  • C4L is a member of the Services SETA, by virtue of its core business providing managerial support for nonprofits.
  • C4L is accredited by the MICT SETA - only for one Qualification namely End-user Computing.
  • C4L has collaborated in the past with several other SETAs by applying for Discretionary Grants on behalf of unemployed youth.  For example, the ETDP SETA funded the training and deployment of 37 youth in a qualification called Development Practice and also 12 youth in New Venture Creation.
  • Since 2010 the strategic focus has been Green Livelihoods (combining entrepreneurship with the green occupations).  The Energy and Water SETA has contributed generously to that initiative, and other SETAs like Forestry and Transport have also been approached.

SETAs are the main mechanism for employees to get further training.  However they not only devote funding to those already working, but to the unemployed as well,  in their respective sector.

Any ministry with a youth focus cannot escape working with these vital resource organizations in South Africa.  Essentially, SETAs try to get youth started in a Career Path in their sector.

Funding for the unemployed is through Discretionary Grants and these operate very much like Grantmaking.


This is something like an internship or apprenticeship.  It is a work/study approach where 30 percent of the period is spent in formal instruction and 70 percent in practicums.

Funding a Learnership covers the academic fees of the Training Provider as well as a Stipend for the Learner.

Sub-sets of accedited training are called Skills Programmes and the bouquet of combined Entrepreneurship and Green Occupations training that C4L has offered to date fall into this category.

The building blocks of Skills Programmes are Unit Standards.  These can be bundled into "Modules" then packaged in Skills Programmes.  There are three tiers of Qualifications:

1. Certificate (120 credits)

2. Diploma (240 credits)

3. Degree (360 credits)

Notionally these are one year, two years and three years of post-matric education.  To date C4L has been operating in the first post-matric level.  To help school leavers to choose a Career Path and to get them moving in the direction of self-employment (i.e. entrepreneurship).

One of the scenarios that follows training provided by C4L is that learners decide to take further studies.  For this reason, C4L is now leaning in the direction of full Learnerships reaching the first level Qualification.  C4L keeps a database of its alumni.  It that way, those who have begun training can be contacted first, before any new recruiting, to push them forward to a higher level.

One has to bear in mind that C4L is not a college.  It is an NGO.  Its strategic focus is youth unemployment.