What we do
Let’s start with the 4 “L”s:
- Leadership
- Livelihoods
- Lobbying
- Literati
Each of these 4 “L”s is summarized on its own page. These 4 pages can be found by clicking on the side bar, to open a pull-down menu, then click on the page title. There you will find up-todate 2024 content about that “L”

Strategic Focusing
At C4L, the focus for over a decade has been building the capacity of Youth. In South Africa that usually means young people under 35 years of age. Our emphasis has been on youth from 18 – 28. C4L also has also had a special focus on youth-led organizations (nonprofits and cooperatives).
C4L’s roots are in Disaster Management, for example after the Mozambique Floods in 2000. In a way, the disasters have become bigger and more challenging:
- HIV and AID pandemic
- Global warming (i.e. climate change)
- State Capture
- Unemployment
Modes of response have included Development Programming (training or “human development”) and Public Engagement (lobbying and advocacy).
Depending on resource-flows, C4L’s “success formula” is to do 70 percent training, 20 percent emergency response, and 10 percent public engagement. The mix varies from year to year depending on available resources.