
Legacy to Legacy

“You can’t take it with you.”  According to research, people give six times more in charitable donations at the time of their death than they have given during their life. This is one way that people release their wealth to their favorite “causes”.

This becomes part of estate planning, and more and more, this is done through family consultation.  People who are affected by a decision have a right to be part of the decision making process.

  • C4L encourages you to consider including its ministry in your Last Will and Testament
  • C4L is a registered Nonprofit Organization in South Africa   (#006-856-NPO)
  • C4L is also a Public Benefit Organization in South Africa  (#930000088)

Your Legacy to our Legacy

Unless otherwise instructed, C4L will not spend legacy gifts on operations. It will invest them in an Endowment Fund. From time to time, interest generated by that fund may be skimmed off to assist with C4L operations. But the capital will remain invested.

Or you may specify how your legacy should be used, for it is the gift of the giver.

Thus your legacy can make C4L more self-sustaining, by adding to its general fund. Or you could make it a capital donation to fund a specific purchase – for example, of a new vehicle.

Quoting Warwick

He gives not best who gives most

He gives most who gives best

If I cannot give bountifully

Yet I will give freely

And what I want in my hand

I will supply by my heart

In this way your gift will keep on giving.

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