Welcome to Pocket Mentor

The first “L” is for Leadership.

The Desmond Tutu Centre for Leadership celebrated its 25th anniversary on September 1st 2024.

Its contribution to Leadership has gone through three strategic phases over these 25 years:

Phase 1 – Nonprofit leaders and managers

Phase 2 – Youth leaders and youth-led organizations

Phase 3 – Green activists

From Mentoring to Distance Mentoring

Ultimately, leadership is INFLUENCE.  So we are busy uploading our small but growing collection of learning resources to a n internet platform. This will offer access to alumni of C4L training. They can refresh their leadership skills with on-line mentoring.

Pocket Mentor

C4L has generated training manuals and training videos over its first 25 years.

These will soon be accessible to hand-held devices in the field. This requires the hardware and also connectivity, but makes reading, viewing and even a chat function available to C4L alumni.

For more on this initiative, visit the demo site.

Training Tools

C4L has been generating training manuals, videos and other tools for 25 years, for its own training events, and for other trainers to use as well.  Both in English and in Portuguese.

Once again we will be sharing our training tools with educators (teachers and principals).  These will be re-introduced in “refresher courses”.  For more on this new initiative, contact <training@C4L.org>.

Cultural congruence

As in the celebration of Heritage Day on campus, C4L has consistently tried to champion the integration of local culture in its programming and training tools.

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